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Home Our Services Executive Edge Seminars Writing to be Read

A course in effective report writing.

A Why offer a seminar on report writing?

Writing and reading reports in English is a necessary evil for many French professionals and can, indeed, be a painful exercise. Yet, today’s international business world expects everyone to write and read effectively in English. Regrettably, many writers disregard the fact that reports are actually meant to be read and focus on complex details rather than on getting the actual message across to the reader(s). The fact is that while reports sometimes must contain complex and subtle information, they have to be readable and clear if understanding and action are to follow. This seminar will enhance your report writing skills by increasing your awareness of reader-friendly mechanisms and give you the tools necessary to amplify the impact of your written reports in English.

Seminar Objectives

Learn through exercises, group interaction and presentation:

  • Effective report writing
  • Keeping the reader interested
  • Planning, drafting and editing your report
  • Report structure
  • Ensuring coherence
  • Balancing formality and simplicity